Monday, June 14, 2010

Varga, Varga, Varga!!!

!enoyrevE olleH <~~ I know I'm a dork.

Well the same night Jay and I went to "Fogo De Choa", we also went Dr. Watson's (again), and Varga Bar. This blog takes place after dinner when we decided to meet up with a few more friends. Of which one of them ended up not making appearence, because they fell asleep on the couch instead of making it out. Do who did show up was our friend Phill. Now on to the the rebroadcast of the evening's festivities.

Our stomaches filled with awesome eats, Jay and I decided to meet up at Doc Watson's with Phill and someone else who will remained nameless. The great things about nights like theses, is there is always something to amplify the adventure like my phone battery dying. Which it was in the processes of. So I manage to retrieve Phill's and the Nameless One's phone number out, and give them a text to where we would be before it completely died.

We met up with Phill on 11 St. and made our way to Doc Watson's, to wait to hear from the Nameless One. I subjected Jay and Phill to the Pineapple shots, which they hate me for, and gave each other a good ribbing about how much of a wuss each of us are. Some time passes, a few beers, and yet the Nameless One has yet to return our text. Then I decided that we needed to make our way to our next spot the Varga Bar. Now that my phone is completely dead, I had Phill text the Nameless One where we were going next.

The Varga Bar, a busy little conner bar on 10th and Spruce St. Website: . Outside there is cafe style seating on the sidewalk. On this inside the walls have "Pin-up Girls" on the wall. My kind of place. They had a wide range of beers on tap for "Philly Beer Week". For a wednesday night, this place was hopping. Being in the heart of Center City, Philadelphia, this is the place is that place you can cool down after a long day at work with friends.

Phill was also a little hungry because he did not eat before he came out, so he order himself a "Veggie Burger". This thing was massive. He did enjoy this mega sandwich with one comment. Before I tell you the comment, it might help you understand it by knowning a small fact about Phill. He is a chef at another resturaunt. "I think the chedder cheese takes away from the other flavors in th sandwich". He might have been right, but he still cleaned the plate. So take what you will from that with a slice of cheese. During all this we ordered some beers, oh and look, I did a review on them. How suprising.

Harviestoun 40 year Ola Dubh by Harviestoun Brewey Ltd. United Kingdom. This poured black with a thin light brown ring of head. The nose was of whisky, a little smoke, oak, yeasty spice, and a little earthy. The mouth feel was creamy and a little thick, but nice. The taste was sweet, had some dried fruit, chocolate, hint of roast malt, and some caramel. It had a little aftertaste of sweetness and nip of bitter, but didn't last long. I really enjoyed this one, and so did everyone else. I would say the best thing is to serve this after any meal to sit with. You really don't want miss tasting the subtle flavors in this beer. Although, now that I think of it, this would go really well with some strong flavored cheeses as a contrast.


"Gamma Ray" by Terrapin Beer Company. This poured a bright hazy orange with a nice white head. The nose had a little funk to it, with a lot of wheat charactor, and some honey. I tasted a little citrus almost like "Tang", but no one else did. I also tasted some wheat malt, honey, earthy hops, and sour. The mouth feel was smooth and the alcohol was extremely well hidden. Another "Trouble Maker" as Boozer X would say. Jay said it tasted like "Lazer Beams". Phill also really enjoyed this as well, as good complament to his "Veggie Burger".The reason this did not get a 7 is because I like it so much, that if it was around it would be drunk.


"Depth Charge" by Terrapin Beer Company. This poured blackish brown, with a dark tan head. The nose was like expresso beans, chocolate, and caramel. It tasted like expresso coffee, some chocolate hints, cream, and sweet malt. The mouth feel was like a iced creamy coffee with a little heat, but barely noticiable. After taste was pretty much like after your morning cup of coffee. This is another beer I would like to put some ice cream on top of. A fantastic "BEER FLOAT" beer.


As we were leaving, I found out that this place has "Growlers" you can take home with any beer from the tap. We got to of them with Weyerbacher "Verboten" and "Kilo" in them. We did get a lot of head in the "Verboten", enough to get one less pint out of, but in all fairness they had a little problem with the tap and we to get going. I'll have a review on them a little later in the summer. After this we made our way home, and the Nameless One slept the night away. As always "Be Well, Drink Well!"

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