Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Doc Watson and the Devil's Den

Welcome back!

To catch you up to speed from the last blog. Boozer X and I met up with a few new fellow beer drinkers. We decided to head out to "Doc Watson's", for an impromptu "Samuel Adams" beer tasting. Website: http://www.myspace.com/drwatsonspub. Oh, a little side note, I give everyone a nickname so I can better remember who they are. It's a strange, but I figured out in high school my brain works a lot better when I tag things with obscure references. It's just easier to recall. Back to the story.

Steve, who reminds me a lot of a young "James Spader", so he earned the name "Boston James" after James Spader's character on "Boston Legal". His friend Akash, earned the name Tash-point-Ohh!, because he had a loud boisterous attitude and the "OHHH!" after trading burns with each other. Then came the other two new friends we met. Colby, who I miss took for "Cobb", the famous baseball player. So I gave him the nickname "Mr. Baseball", and when he responded with "I don't even watch baseball", the roar of laughter from the rest of the group, sealed his fate, and the nickname for the day stuck. Finally we have Robyn. I hope I spelled her name right. Anyways, she had enormous amounts of energy, so I gave her the "Princess Spunky" as a nickname. Well after the guys heard it, "Love Spunk" and a few other names came up that well are not kosher. So we'll leave it at "Love Spunk".

Surprisingly, everyone had a pretty well defined palate. We did not agree on which "Samuel Adams" was better, but that was the point. Showing everyone that is why you taste every beer you can to find the ones you like. Also another point is to understand flavors in beer to explain them. Both Boozer X and I, had a blast with them. We also had pineapple shots, and ate the pineapple slices. Wow, strong vodka, made my vision look like the photo. We decided to head to another bar, and that's where are little day trip with our new drinking buddies ended. Well we kind of got separated, and well that was when we parted ways with our new friends. Okay I forgot my phone, long story short, ended up back at Boozer X 's truck.

The next part of our adventure takes us to the Devil's Den for The "Bell's For Boobies" night. This place has an awesome Chicken sandwich, with avocado mayo, hit the spot. It also went well with Bell's Oarsman beer. Which I did a review for. Oh, look down.

Bell's Oarsman by Bell's Brewery Inc. Pours a creamy yellow and a fluffy white head. The nose had a strong tangy citrus smell, and some wheat. The mouth feel was creamy, smooth, and bubbly. The taste had sour lemon, wheat, and yeast. It was not strong, but had tart, clean finish. I really could drink this all night and not get sick of it. It was a refreshing beverage. A big plus was that it went great with the chicken sandwich we had at the Devil's Den. So it's goes great with chicken, seafood, and pork. I had some other of Bell's beers this night, and they all had their own unique flavors.

It was a great event at the Devil's Den. Each Bell's Beer purchased, one dollar of it went to "Breast Cancer Research". I am always down to do anything to save breasts. That's why I am a "Dawg". Truthfully, events like this do bring more awareness to a cause. Just goes to show you that people who drink beer are all not that bad. So Boozer X and I closed out the night watching the Phillies win against the Padres. Almost forgot the Website: http://www.devilsdenphilly.com/

More Philly Beer Week adventures to come. "Be Well, and Drink Well!"

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