Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5 New and 1 Belgain

Welcome Back Everyone!

I have five new beers in this review and the last Belgian from the last blog. No long babbling about theses beers, do to the fact I was the only one reviewing them. So I hope you enjoy it without the colorful commentaries of multiple tasters.

Bornem Tripple Abby Ale. The nose on this one was of caramel candies and flowers. The color was a rich goldish brown with a nice cream colored head with a hard pour. The mouth feel was a little thick, but nice, smooth, and a little bit bubbly. A little bite of fruit flavors, yeasty, some spice, and a nice light hoppy aftertaste. This was a lot better then the Bornem Double Abby Ale. I really enjoyed this one. Although I am a little guilty of not pairing this up with what I ate, which was pizza. Although this would go good with Bree and Cranberries, other rich cheeses, and a nice cigar.

Entire Butt English Porter. Got to love that name. It's true if you think about it. You can't really love just half a butt. The nose has chocolate, roasted coffee, and some sweetness to it. Reddish chocolate brown color with very little head, but a dark cream colored rim stays around the edges of the glass throughout drinking. The mouth feel has some weight, but it's balance with a slight carbonation. Very smooth as it rolls around the mouth. Dark roast, lots of nuttiness, chocolate, and sweet dark malt is what I get as it passes over the tongue. With a perfect amount of bitterness to counter the other complex flavors. A slight after taste but not longing. This beer is like having a Port after dinner. To place this with foods you would miss some of the finer notes. With that being said would be a great beer to add to a Tap Root Pot Pie.


Fischer Amber Ale. The nose on this was not to impressive. Very little hop smell and a bite of cider. A pale amber color with a none impressive white head. Mouth feel was nice, clean, and crisp. The taste was of a pale ale, cider, and some wine taste. Although, the after taste reminded me of White Star Champagne. This would be a great beer to boil some brats in. As for pairing this with food, pretty much an every day type of meal with a light salad, veggies and a simple meat dish.

This site is in french.


Drop Top Amber Ale. I'll be honest, this one caught me off guard. This was way more impressive then what I thought it was going to be. A nice copper color and a light cream head. The nose was of sweet malt, some honey, and a little hint of citrus. The mouth feel was clean, light, and refreshing. Sweet, roasty, little bit of honey, bready, and a light hop to the taste. No real longing after taste. This beer would be great for BBQs. Truly, a very tasty beer.


Sea Dog Blue Paw Wheat Ale. This is another one that I was surprised by. The color was of a pale yellow with a thin clean foam. The smell was of artificial blueberries and honey. The mouth feel was light and clean. This beer tasted like a liquid Blueberry Pop Tart. The after taste was nothing but blueberries. It was very tasty. If you don't like artificial flavors you might not like this. To pair this with a type of food it would have to be desserts. A nice fresh fruit pastry, or strawberry short cake. I will say it is an interesting beer to serve at a BBQ.


Three Philosophers Belgian Quadrupel. Yes this is the first one in my blog that I've given a 7 rating. I was actually going to give this a lower rating but then I thought about it. This is definitely something I want to keep a few bottles of, pull out every year and give it a try to see how it ages. The nose of this was of cherries, caramel, and of Sherry wine. The color was dark brown and a tan head. The taste was a little hot with the alcohol, cherries, and a dark rich malt. The mouth feel was a little fizzy at first, but there was a smooth creamy feel after it. It warms as it goes down. A dark malty after taste. Would have to pair this up with Herb Roasted Duck, Green Beans with Butter Crumbs, and Black Forest Cake. Even a nice little after meal dessert itself.
Well I hope you all enjoyed this review. As always I love reviewing beers.
Enjoy and "CHEERS!"

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