Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 Beer Review

Hello once again!

I thought I'd start this blog out with a little refresher on how I rate beers. You would have to make a completely awful beer for me to give it a 0. I like beers of all kinds. I also give each beer a little explanation of what it tastes like and what it is paired with, food wise. The following is a recap on the rating system.

1) "It's a lonely number". So leave this one alone because that is why is by itself. Truth be told I have a "1" beer every now and again to make sure it wasn't me.

2) Is the "Not Bad" of beers. Drinkable, but it just has to much of something or not enough. Usually the type of beers you find in your regular everyday bar.

3) The "Middle Of The Road". It's usually tasty, but not spectacular. They are usually the everyday type of beer. The kind you buy because well everyone will drink it and not complain.

4) "Now That Is Something" Beer. There is just something about it. Has flavor and balance. The little extra that makes you stick in the back of the fridge behind all the other beer so other people don't see it.

5) The "WOW" Beer. Complex, different, and all around tasty beverage. This beer is usually brought to special occasions or bought during a great night out. Usually a little more expensive, but not always. The kind of beer you want to start your night on.

6) "You got to try this beer". Pretty self explanatory. Once you taste it you want everyone to try it. A beer you hold dear. It sounds stupid, but it's the kind off beer that makes you happy that you have it.

7) "Special Reserve". This is usually saved for the cream of the crop. A beer you'd collect. A refined type of beer. I have only a few I put up on this pedestal.

Just Rothy and I for this tasting. Now onto the beer!

Rogue XS Imperial Red by Rogue Brewery. I was expecting a little more out of this, but all in all, not bad. It poured a dark red with a brownish foam head. The nose had a little spice, some hoppy, some dried fruit like apricot, and some roasted malt. The mouth feel was moderate.
The taste had roasted malt flavor with a strong hop to it. I would have to say more hoppy then malty. Rothy's two cents on this beer was "It tastes burnt". The after taste was clean and a bit of hop flavor stuck around. A food pairing on this would have to be something meaty, like a Blackened Steak with Garlic and Herd Baked Potato.


Rogue MoM Hefeweizen by Rogue Brewery. The second Rogue beer we tried this night. It does try to say it's Belgian style but really doesn't have that taste to it. It poured with a light straw color to an almost pale blond, with a white thin head. Not to much smell came off it, but I did get some spice from the yeast. Mouth feel was light and crisp. The tastes notes were that of a little citrus upfront, working towards the middle was a ginger spice, and a light malt finish. Rothy noted that it had a "club soda feel to it". The after taste I did get a faint hint of ginger. I would pair this with some a Fillet of Flounder with a nice Wine Sauce, or even Spicy Chicken Wings.


Lucifer Belgian Strong Pale Ale by Brouwerij Het Anker. I have wanted to try this for a while. I have had the Lucifer from Duval, and that I really liked. It poured a orange/goldish color to it with a white creamy head. The nose had a spicy, green apple, clove, and citrus. The mouth feel was moderate. The taste had some citrus, Belgian candy, a little apple, a little yeasty, and spice. It finished dry, with very little after taste. Rothy pointed out that with this beer, he could only have it with a meal. With that being said, I would pair it with a Braised Lamb Chops and Candied Peppered Pears.


Blanche De Chambly by Unibroue Brewery. A Canadian beer that is different from Molson or Labatt. This pours a slight cloudy pale yellow with a thick head on top. The was not to much of a smell on this one as well, but I did pick up a lemon zest and sweet pear. The mouth feel was light. Rothy once again pointed out another one that was like club soda. The taste was light and had hints of a little citrus, a little pear, and a little wheat malt. It finished up cleanly with no real after taste. This was not one of my favorites, but I would not turn it down if someone handed it to me. To pair this with food, I would suggest what ever it is, it should not be to spicy or of a strong taste. This would make a good sandwich beer, or picnic beer.


Amber Sun Ale by 16 Mile Brewery. I was taken a little back by this beer in a good way, was not what I was expecting. Rothy thought it was good for the summer but he wouldn't drink it year round. I do not agree, but at the same time, I do like my winter warmers. It poured with what I would call a sunset red/orange with a small tan head. The nose was a little citrus, dark fruits, and caramel malt. Mouth feel was light and almost creamy. The taste was malty, some mixed fruit flavors, and light touch of citrus. Finished up nice and clean. One of those beers that would go great with the outdoors. Fire up the pit! Roast Pig and Grilled Pineapples would go great with this beer. It is good to find another "Craft Brewery" in Delaware.


I know I said I'd have a few food recipes up this week, but got a little sidetracked by life this weekend. Hopefully have some by the end of the week. Next week I'll have another Extract beer recipe. "Be Well, Drink Well!"

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