Monday, February 14, 2011

Winter Beerfest 2011 Part 2

Welcome Back.

Let's see, I left you hanging on our first speed bump in our little adventure to Winter Beerfest 2011.

Trolling the Hard Rock menu, we all decide on what would like eat. Since the ride up we had been talking about "How I Met Your Mother", I decided to go with the "Legendary" burger. Joey-O, like always, decided on the "Hickory Smoked Bacon Cheeseburger". He loves his bacon a little more then most people. If there is a bacon fetish, he would have one.

BoozerX is almost like a scientist when it comes to what he should eat before the night of drinking. After much deliberation, he had decided on "Chicken Tender and fries", with nothing on them. As any sauces would be a detriment to stomach space during beer consumption. After this banter is when it happened.

"You have the tickets?" Joey-O asked. As I reached into my pocket, panic sets in. "Insert obligatory curse here", because I think I said everyone there was. So I ended up spending the rest of the meal trying to find a place near by to print out another set of tickets. Time was short. I had only twenty minutes before the festival.

The great thing out technology is that since the tickets were purchased online, all I had to do was to find a place I could print them out. That is why I like the city for stuff like this. FedEx Kinkos are everywhere, and this one was across the street from the Hard Rock.

After get the tickets printed out, we hailed a cab. One of the great things about BoozerX, he likes to talk up cab drivers. It doesn't matter if he's telling the truth or making something up, he can spin a story so intricate, that he can make people follow his every word. This cab driver will not forget this fare for a long time to come.

Getting out of the cab, we made our way into the line in front, well actually, around the corner from the Electric Factory. Three minutes to spare before they opened the doors.

No bitter wind would could stop us from getting our drink on! Now saying this, I mean it, because I had also left my jacket at the hotel. In all honesty it was not that cold for me, because I'm always venting heat. That's one reason women love me. ;)

Making our way in I saw everyone from Barry's Homebrew Shop, checking tickets, working tables, running taps, and running around like crazy.

This place was filling up fast. I was really crowded. People fighting for spaces in line to get their sample of beer.

It was also great to see so many women interested in beer. I might just be me, but I love a woman with a beers in her hand. Especially if one of those beers is for me.

Marianne, Tiffany, and Laura decided to stop for a second, for a photo op. Loving every beer they had, they told me that they were so happy to be here.

I think I'll stop here. There will be two more posts on this beerfest. The next one will be on the actual beers we had, then the last will be the aftermath of the festival and the search for a tasty slice.

As always "Be Well and Drink Well"!

Location:Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA

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