Sunday, February 13, 2011

Winter Beerfest 2011 Part 1

The day started out for me, like a child that can't wait to open his gifts on Christmas morning.

Porters, Old Ales, Winter Ales, Spiced Ales, Barley Wines, Sour Ales, Stouts, and pretty much everything else. Yes, there also was some IPAs. Not a wimpy beer in the bunch. Almost all of them left me with a warm feeling inside akin to lovers embrace. Being the beer guy that I am, I would dare to venture to say it was almost "Orgasmic".

With any good adventure or journey, it had a beginning, some obstacles, and a sense of accomplishment when it was all over. Also the sadness of having to leave it in the past and go on. But the memories made this day will never be forgotten.

A side note before I go on: Technology like my iPhone was a fantastic tool to have helped me not forget anything that happened, and to keep my beers straight. Now on to the adventure.

I felt all the excitement and anticipation come out when BoozerX and Joey-O arrived to pick me up. All those magnificent beers just waiting for me to try, just mere hours away.

We made are way to Philly and checked in to the Double Tree Hotel on Broad St. Pretty reasonable for the city and very nice rooms.

When we settled into our room, we started with a kick off beer. OLA DUBH 40 Special Reserve. If you haven't tried it, you should. One of my favorite beers. It's a little pricey, but just think of it as a special treat if you purchase one.

Then onto our next beer, which was 2020 Ale Traquair House Brewery. Fantastic! Sweetness, coffee, toffee, citrus, and dries out at the end. Finishes nice.

So two really nice beers coursing threw our blood streams, we decided that food might be a good to have in our stomaches before our long night of drinking. Passing block after block of places, we end up at the Hard Rock.

I know it's a tourist trap, but the food is good and we were tired of the biting cold winds while walking. We enjoyed the food, as well as the mishmash of music coming from the speaker.

Then it happened. The first of a couple of minor pitfalls that were to come. But that will have to be continued in the next post. I think this one was long enough.

So until next time, "Be Well and Drink Well"!

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